Friday 14 February 2014

Book Review: BOOKLISH: (A Writer's Guide)

The Simple Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Writing and Publishing  Your Book

I cannot express how pleased I was to have read Booklish: The Simple Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Writing and Publishing Your Book. Anyone who wishes to write a novel, or is in the process of doing so, should read this. It’s written by Bookacademy, and explains the intricacies that comes with publishing. I was impressed with the content as it was presented in a straightforward and unbiased way, outlining the pros and cons of independent publishing and publishing firms.

The guide is structured in a format writers can follow step by step. Each chapter gives detailed information regarding ideas for stories; research and character development; readership range, and even a handy budget chart. Amazon's Create-a-Space, selective websites and tools are also mentioned as these will be useful to writers.

Bookacademy writes descriptively in a manner I like. What is really appreciated is the fact that the topic is not glossed over to give false impressions of the journey one must take to see a book through conception to publication. Writing a novel involves hard work and in depth planning. It made me think more positively about my own book which is being written, and the decisions that must be made. Booklish: The Simple Comprehensive Guide to Successful Writing and Publishing is highly recommended by me.


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